Monday 3 August 2009


I enjoy working as a freelance staff and educational developer in higher education.

I enjoy the mixture of predictability:

"Will you run some workshops for us on ...?

and variety:

"Will you evaluate this development project for us?"

and surprise:

"Will you help us to redevelop our postgraduate medical curriculum?"

But I don't know anything about medicine!

"Don't worry, we know about medicine, you know about curriculum development."

and astonishment:

"Will you come to Japan for 10 days and help us in our work on developing standards for University teachers and on forming a professional association staff and educational developers?"

Of course I will!

My strategy is, subject to workload and diary, to accept most offers of work.
"That doesn't sound much like a strategy."

I know. But it is. It has produced the mixture of predictability, variety, surprise and astonishment noted above. It keeps on stretching me. And I said 'most', not 'all'.

On Sunday t
o Anglesey Abbey, Quy Road, Lode, Cambridge, a much-reconstruct priory converted to country house and frozen in time in 1966, where Pan protects the rose garden and visitors enjoy summer sun.

Other Stuff

1 As promised in Blog#2 - Notes in Outlook is an OK way to write posts. Inserting links and images within Blogger is then fine.

2 Thank you to
Lawrie Phipps at JISC who (by example) got me into blogging.

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